Monday 23 January 2017

Cress-seed - The Vigour Food

Cress seed is a very powerful but ignored food article of our kitchen. Our forbears used to eat many recipes like laddu’s,kheer, chutney etc.of cress seeds. What would be the reason of it? Why certain food articles has been told to eat particularly? What is the science behind it?
Let us find the answers you are seeking.

Lets take a brief look at why we should include this nutritious food item to get healthy body? And how to make kheer of cress seeds?

Blessing to new mother and her baby-

Cress seed is a superb source of natural iron. After delivery or in the situation called post partum hemorrhage, mother becomes tired because of blood loss and the extreme pain associated with it. Also she becomes anemic. Here the cress seeds act as a blessing to both the mother and the child. Although it’s a rich iron source, it also enhances lactation process. So cress seeds helps to reduce the iron deficiency of the mother and by enhancing lactation it fulfills the need of baby for mother milk.

The hair loss is another main complaint of newly mothers which is caused by the increased vata dosha after delivery. Cress seeds pacify vata dosha and helps to reduce this hair fall and makes hair soft lustrous and more importantly healthy.

Say bye bye to pain - 

It pacify Vata and Kapha dosha if they are imbalanced. Hence the diseases like arthritis, gout, were joint pain, swelling are the main complaint,one should eat cress seeds more often as it helps to reduce these symptoms by naturally balancing vata and kapha dosha. It is also  seen that women who eat cress seeds after delivery tends to less suffer the complaints like backache, joint pain in their life.

Best gift to teenagers –

During menarche sometimes girls face problems like irregular menstruation, heavy bleeding, acne, anemia ect. Cress seed being an iron supplement as well as blood purifier helps to reduce all the above symptom as it directly acts on blood.

Not only for women…!!-

Cress seeds is not only ideal for women but for men too.they should also include cress seeds in their diet. It is a splendid aphrodisiac which means a food that stimulates sexual desire. Not only women but men can have this food article as it’s a vigor food.

So in short cress seeds are blood purifier, rich iron source, venereous, and vigour food,which everyone must include in their diet. Its like buy one and get many offer. Don’t miss it.
Now we learn the easiest method to prepare cress seed kheer.

Ingredients –

Cress seeds – 1 tsp
Milk  - 1 ½ cup
Ghee – 1 tsp
Sugar – 1tsp ( or accordingly )

Preparation – 

Take above quantity of cress seed in a bowl and allow it to soak for the night. In the morning it will become a sticky mixture.

Procedure –

Take a pan on burner and heat it. Add 1 tsp of ghee and let it melt. Then pour  that mucilaginous mixture of cress seeds in the pan and fry it with ghee. Later add mentioned quantity of milk and sugar into the pan and stir it. let the mixture boil till it remain to 1 cup of the total quantity. Switch off  the burner and allow the kheer to get cool down. Then pour it to the bowl and serve. You can add a pinch of powdered cardamom and nutmeg to add some extra essence.

( Note – Above quantity of ingredients is considered for one person )

Caution – Cress seeds are hot in nature. People suffering from epistaxis, recurrent acidity should take care while eating it. Also in summers one should take care while eating cress seeds.

So these are the amazing health benefits of cress seeds and an easy technique to use it in your diet.
Stay healthy. Stay tuned.

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