Sunday 24 April 2016

Diet & lifestyle as per Ayurveda for summer (Grishma Ritucharya)

It is said that, “Take care of your body, it is the only place where you can live”. We have seen 5 ritu’s (seasons) and their ritucharya, now its time for summer season (Grishma ritu). Summer is associated with vacations  and fun , dark complexion, longer days , ice-creams, cold drinks etc &  but also dehydration, urinary tract infections, digestive problems, headaches are common with everyone.

Everything has positive and negative sides, so with proper diet & lifestyle we still enjoy this season.
Grishma ritu (summer) starts in mid April to ends in mid June. It is the last season of northern solstice (Uttarayana) hence the intensity of heat and dryness is at its peak which causes natural loss of strength of body. In this season Vata dosha starts to accumulate in body and the digestion also becomes poor. So let’s take a brief look at what should be the diet and lifestyle in this season.

One can take afternoon nap but not just after the lunch. Atleast keep the difference of 1 or 2 hour between lunch and nap.

Take care as summer is upon us.

Wish you all healthy and happy summer.

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